Sunday, May 20, 2007

SMH Half

This race is fast becoming one of my favourites. All the usual suspects try to turn out, most will be aiming for a good time by tapering which makes the atmosphere before and after fantastic. Great support out on the course today - really appreciated the shouts by Brightshoes, Fats and Serg as well as the "go Strider" shouts from runners heading in the opposite direction. It's also great to line up with top runners - a number of Australian representatives like Martin Dent, Brett Cartright and Scott Westcott. I remember Dad always saying that was what he loved about running - the fact that it's one of the only sports where the average club runner can line up with the elites of the sport.

Had a chat with Tim Ashby, Ray, Richard P and Flake before the start - Flake looking nervous. Plan was to take the first lap quite quickly but try to stay relaxed and then just hold on. Had the usual made scramble at the start - passed Easy Tiger at about 1km just after hearing a huge shout of "Go the Tiger"!" Tim made his usual quick start and had about 20 yards on me even by 2km. I settled into running the first lap with a tall chap I think called Gerard - that seemed to be what people from the side were calling him. Asked Gerard the time at 5km and he said 17:20. Still felt fine so just tried to settle into a relaxed stride. Didn't take on any water at 5km - planned just to take small sips at 10km and 15km after last year's stitch. Passed Charlie Low at this stage - obviously out of sorts and I assume he dropped out shortly after.

Picked up a few places on drag back up to St Mary's and got the first chance to work out my position on the switch back outside the cathedral. I was about 25 seconds behind Tim at this stage and I guess about 30 seconds in front of Ray and Guy Doulman. I was still running with Gerard(?) and slowly reeling in a couple of St George runners. We'd formed a bunch by Pitt Street (good of Serg to still give me a shout despite running with the St George runners!) - definitely easier to be running in a group. Argyle St wasn't as bad as I had thought and felt strong doubling back along Kent. Reached 10k in 35:25 and started to push along Hickson Road - pavlov's dog reaction to the Thursday reps. Felt great running in the crowd of 4 until Hunter St for the second time. Really struggled up there - Gerard(?) and the first St George runner pulling ahead while I clung on to the second. They both started powering on from the top of the hill while I ran with the other St George bloke.

I was starting to really feel it by this stage - tried to see how far back Ray was at the 15km corner but couldn't see him. Just tried to concentrate on holding the form until St Mary's where I could see without having to look behind me. I'd given up worrying about times by this stage and was just concentrating on not letting Ray or anyone else catch up. Reached the St Mary's switchback for the second time and was still about 25 seconds behind Tim - but Ray was much closer. Really put some effort in from here knowing there was only one more hill. Felt fine going down Hunter (who doesn't) and along Pitt but struggled around the corner onto George St. Heard Fats giving a shout on the corner of Argyle and immediately tried to listen for him shouting for Ray to gauge how much time I had.

Turned the corner onto Kent and immediately the spirits lifted. I knew I had enough to finish strongly from here. Passed the 20km in 71:20. 3:40 needed for the final 1.1km. Wasn't sure I had enough speed for that but just pretended it was another Hickson Rd rep. Sounds of the crowd on turning the corner lifted me again so just sprinted for home. Crossed in 74:44. Even managed to punch the air. Absolutely stoked with the time.

Ray came over in 75:12. Great PBs by Springer and 26miles. Flake looked disappointed with his 86 and has faster times in him. Tim Ashby finished 22 seconds in front, Tim Cradock is on the comeback with a high 77. Durante must have been very close with a 77:5x - he'll be sub-34 for 10km on that. Richard P struggled in the second half for a 79. Guy must have struggled in the second half as he dropped of the pace.

Great to catch up with everyone afterwards. A brilliant day for running.


  1. Nice work over all distances over the past month or so mate. Happy days!

  2. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Congrats on a PB Tom. I was the other guy in the group of 4 (my name's actually Tim, not Gerard!) and I definitely appreciated running in a group for a while with you and the St George guys! I ran a PB too, so thanks for the help!!!

    (found this website through the coolrunning SMH posts)
    Tim from Tassie

  3. Congratulations on the PB Tom. Superb race on that course and you looked like you were doing it easy on the 2nd lap. I'll be better next time, just not today. Thanks for the support.

  4. Tim,
    Sorry about that! Great run yesterday, particularly the final 5km when you powered off. You must have been close to a negative split.
