Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hill reps

Hill reps in the Botanical Gardens with Ray, Durante, Anthony, Chris from HSBC, Darren Q, his mate Simon, and Pete W. 3 x 5 x 180m hill with a jog back down and a 1km jog in between each set. Still struggling with the fatigue. Durante ran off the front of each of the reps. Started to feel comparatively stronger against the rest of the group in the final set where fatigue was really setting in.

Still unsure of the benefits of this session. It certainly gets the lungs burning and the legs feel very tired by the end but not sure it does much for a 10km runner.

Jog before and long warm-down for about 12km all up.


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Does build character. However, I think you are right to question this session's importance in the context of your current training program.

    Hopefully the fatigue drops away soon.

