Thursday, May 10, 2007

Back to Hickson Road

Just for old times' sake. Thought it appropriate in having to run it 3 times next week for the SMH Half. 5 x 1.2km with 2 minute recoveries. Times went:

3:36; 3:32; 3:37; 3:33; 3:37

Easily the best session I've done on this route. Good crowd with Ray, Serg, Durante, Mike and Anthony (Serg's mate from work). Ran them all with Serg and would pull ahead only in the final 100m. On the final rep I felt gone (was about 15m down on Serg and Durante at the final speed hump) but put in a final burst to keep the times consistent.

Had a massage before which made the legs feel like jelly on the first rep. Warm up and down made for about 12km all up.

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