Saturday, April 28, 2007

NSW Novice 10km

Fantastic event. Forgotten how much I enjoy cross-country - must be 14 years since I've done one. Especially nice fast one's with no hills.

5th in 33:21.

Ran a big loop (3km) warm up with Serg and Chris Truscott (meeting for the first time) then caught up with Superflake who had to be persuaded that we actually ran two big loops during the race and not one.

Set off with Ray and Keith and immediately found oursleves in a large group of 8 at the front. This continued for the whole of the first lap - I'd occasionally hit the front (was thinking Beaky would be proud!) but was surprised to be there given the quality of the runners I knew were there. This continued all the way through the first lap - Ray then hit the front at the start of the second and I dropped to about 6th. I realised at that stage that a few in that front group were pretty serious given they were just hovering behind whatever change of pace the leader decided to make whereas I was struggling as soon as the pace changed. Notwithstanding that, I managed to get in front and try to push the pace halfway through the second big lap. However, at the bridge on the second lap the front group of 5 plus Keith (hanging off the back) started to break away. I managed to keep in touch with Keith but the first 5 appeared gone. I was hurting at this stage - only really pushing on because I didn't want Keith to build up a gap. Towards the end of the first small loop Keith and I started to close on Adam Laughlin-Bowlby who had dropped off the leaders. Overtook him at the start of the the final small loop and from then on was trying just to hang on to 5th. Put in a big effort over the final KM as I could hear either Adam or Keith catching.

Loved the atmosphere - reminded me of North Eastern Cross Country league races as a teenager. Pleased with the result too. Keith finished 7th in 33:28 and Ray 8th in 33:43. Great to have Kirst and the kids there too - you can't underestimate the lift you get from your 4 and 5 year old kids telling you you're doing great.


  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Great running Tom, well done all the hard work is delivering the results

  2. You forgot to mention that it is a PB for 10k. Excellent! You should be quicker at the road 10k or North Head whichever you do. And I wish that course was only 3 laps after how bad I ran.

  3. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Great run Tom. I agree with Superflake that you will run faster on the roads. The sand on Saturday's course makes it slower than the roads. Looks promising for a 32.xx time this winter.


  4. awesome run Tom, must have been great running in the lead pack! North Head should be even better!

  5. Anonymous7:33 PM

    My best and most enjoyable run - ever! Thanks for the push Tom :-)

