Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mixing it up

13km Balls Head Reserve loop at lunchtime in glorious weather. Took it very easy but with two "marathon pace" stretches - one from the top of the hill past The Commodore until the bubbler at Balls Head (6:34), the other on the waterside stretch past Luna Park (3:10).


  1. 3:10 p/K is a very handy marathon pace! :)

  2. Martin,

    Never said it was a KM! This is Beaky's "marathon pace" hence the speech marks. Taking to heart Kanser's comments so try to do more threshold stuff.

    Just G-Mapped the stretch and it's about 40m short of a km.

  3. You see that's why I thought you were doing Canberra. It must have been the 'marathon pace' runs.
