Thursday, April 05, 2007

Hill Reps

Hill Reps with Ray and Peter. We've decided to start alternating Hickson Road reps with hill reps for a bit of variety. 15 x 200m up the grassy hill in the Domain. Steep first section then flatter second sectyion which I'd try to stride out on. Did 10, then a rest, then another 5. Ray did 18, Pete 13. About 35 seconds each. Didn't go flat out as I was trying to keep something in reserve for Satrurday morning. Also still had a bit of red wine in the legs from last night.

Jog there and jog around Domain afterwards for 10km all up.

1 comment:

  1. Red wine excuse is also very feeble. Everbody knows that red wine doesn't go to the legs - it attacks the head first !!
