Monday, March 19, 2007

Was going to rest, but then...

12km lunchtime run with Beaky. Very steady recovery run in about 52:30. Talking pace all the way. Woke up very tired after a disrupted night's sleep and a heavy weekend and so passed on the run to work. Pleased to have got out at luncthime though as I feel a lot better for it now.


  1. Since I already had an 18:38 I figured 17 was a good round number for 5k. Hickson Rd a bit far for me, work in Alexandria. Your training's still going well for Canberra. Keep it up.

  2. Sorry Flake, you won't catch me running a road marathon. Far too tough. I'll just stick to the 5 and 10kms where you can pretend to be a real runner.

    Your form's looking great for Canberra. I'll be keeping an eye on the results...
