Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Run home the hard way

Plan was to run home but spoke to Beaky in the afternoon and planned a session he described as "2kms at marathon pace, jog, another 2kms at marathon pace, jog, then 1km at marathon pace". All sounded fine until I realised his marathon pace is my 10km pace.

Took my usual route with added bits. Mostly stayed with him on the fast spells but was getting lactic build up towards the end of each. He peeled off at Parriwi Road and from then I could take it easy.

Great taper for 6ft! 14km in total.


  1. ha ha, as long as you ease your way into the run Tom, you should go very close to, if not break 4 hours.

  2. OK, for us sad people who read this blog who don't actually run with you - what is 6ft ? I mean, the blog's boring enough as it is without having to add the extra codes to make it even harder to understand ! You don't want to put off all your readers now Tom.

  3. Jamie,
    Check out
