Friday, March 30, 2007

Easing up (without any choice)

Very easy 8km around the city - through Hyde Park, past 3 Wise Monkeys and through Darling Harbour and Hickson Road. 32:25. Lovely run in the evening, not pushing it and shaking off all the worries of work before dinner with Dad and Kirst.

1 comment:

  1. "All the worries of work" - god bless you love, anyone reading this might think that you had some responsabilities !! We all know that this easy run is because you couldn't be bothered to push it. Don't try and fob us off with this work excuse.
    All the real people out there know that lawyers get paid huge amounts of money for drawing up contracts that nobody, apart from other lawyers, actually understand. In fact, most of the time, even the lawyers don't understand them either. I wouldn't bother worrying about this, nobody else does!
