Monday, October 02, 2006

The male competitive streak

10-11km early this morning. Ran my usual 8km route but started along Griffiths Street to Condamine and through North Harbour Reserve and added a loop to Shelly Beach and back. Started out very easy and still a little sore from Saturday's race in the flats. About 6kms in on the way to Shelly Beach and ran past the Indian chap I often see on the Northern Beaches - very easy flowing runner who covers the gound quickly. Anyway, turned around at Shelly and tried to catch up to have a chat. He must have been about 40 seconds in front so I had to speed up a lot to do so. Eventually got within about 2 yeards by North Steyne whereuopon he realised I was catching and so sped up himself. It just so happened he was travelling back towards Fairlight as well so we had a ridiculous situation where both of us were running at pace about 5 yards apart! So was knackered by the time I got home and crawled up Suwarrow street.
41:35 all up.

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