Saturday, September 02, 2006

Great news and bad

Had a fantastic race at North Head. Felt great from the very start, trying to push in the first 2kms. Richard High went past just before 2 kms and built up a 15 metre gap (almost identical to City 2 Surf). Ran with Brightshoes until 5km and he was giving km splits which suggested we were ahead of 34min pace. Tried just to concentrate on not allowing Richard to extend the gap. With 2.5kms to go I was still feeling strong so decided to up the pace and maintain consistency without trying to bridge the gap too quickly. Gradually reeled in Tim Ashby and Richard and kicked hard in the last km to record 33:50 or thereabouts. Apparently we went through 3km in 9:50 and 5km in 16:36. Given I had a very fast last km it suggests pretty average 5-8km (3:30s or thereabouts where I was supposed to apply the pressure) which is something to bear in mind.

Over the moon about the time and who I beat (Richard was about 33:55, Tim Cradock 34:08, Kanser 34:40, Ray (after missing the start) about 34:30) but knee has been very painful since. Will avoid running now until I see a physio as soon as possible next week.

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