Sunday, June 07, 2015

Longish run, hard finish

Out with Macca, Craig and the Cap'n this morning for the usual loop.  I had a hard finish scheduled, but only the last 6km.  Pace was thankfully nice and easy to start with as I was feeling the effects of yesterday's session.

Picked the pace up at 24km (just before the top of the hill at Dee Why so nicely timed) and ran 3:24, 3:28, 3:25, 3:29, 3:27 and 3:21 feeling pretty good finishing halfway between North Steyne and the Corso, then jogged back to Emporio for breakfast to finish with 31.25km in 2:16:20 (4:21's).

Saturday, June 06, 2015


Coach said no Striders because of Launnie next week, so Parkrun followed by some 1min reps.  Met Quentin early doors to jog over.  Was pretty impressed with myself for getting up and if Q hadn't arranged to meet me I reckon I'd have rolled over and told myself I'd do the session in the afternoon.

Arrived to find Barts and J-Fen also there so a quality line up for a Parkrun particularly with North Head Striders on the same day.  Did some warm up strides and noticed quite an Easterly headwind.

Ran with Barts and Q until 2.5km when Q fell off.  Barts pulled ahead gradually from 4km but I felt good today - in control and not scared by the pace.  Was pleased to end in 15:56 - second fastest ever and a good sign for next week.  Bart's won in 15:50 with Q in 16:20 and J-Fen running well solo on his Parkrun debut for a 17:07.

Then did a 3km jog back around the course before starting the 10 x 1min reps off 1min recovery.  Did them around the fields next to Parkrun start/finish with Barts and Q, being replaced by J-Fen after rep 3.  Then a jog home.  So about 20km all up for a solid session.

Friday, June 05, 2015

Easy Friday

12km very easy along the beachfront and around the golf course.  Randomly bumped into Macca at 5km and finished the rest off with him chatting about the dirty scoundrel Salazar but how Mo has sailed through unblemished and should ditch his coach.

55mins or so.  Heel getting better after spreading on the Betadine.

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Tan session

Out of the hotel and 3.5km warm up before starting the Manfred Mann session  (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) off 2 min float recovery.  Managed 6.48km (3:35's) but struggled to get going at the start.  Better by the end.

4km warm down for 14km all up and a beaut start for the day on a clear, crisp Melbourne morning.

Only problem is the blisters sustained on my heel post tempo session on Sunday.  Ouch:

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

In Melbourne

10km on the treadmill this evening after a super early start and arduous day.  Added a bit of gradient to make it feel more comfortable.  44mins.

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

20km easy

Turned up to HuRTS to amble around towards the back just for some company for my 20km.  Ended up running roughly with Pete Walkers group - I'd catch them on the offs while they pulled ahead on the ons.  After that did another 8k and was fortunate enough to bump into Barts and we ran and chatted the whole way.

20km in 85:00 and feeling fine although calves still stiff.

Monday, June 01, 2015

Marathon tempo

Over to the Bay for the marathon tempo. Alex R and Barts would be running 20km with me (well, Barts originally said 18km but I knew we'd be able to guilt him into 20) and then I had to do the final 7km lap solo.  Gary was riding his bike alongside (Benny St was doing the same to a couple of others in RunCrew doing a similar session) handing out water and gels.

Plan was to hold 3:30's the whole way.  That's pretty much what we did - a bit faster a times and marginally slower on the hills at the end of each lap.  Felt pretty good early on and only started to feel my legs tightening a bit near 20km when Barts and Alex seemed to lift the pace marginally.  Had to dig deep running solo on the last lap but all in all I was pretty happy.  27km in 1:33:54.

Concern is how much longer I could hold that pace before it would all fall apart.  I remember Tim Rowe running an effortless 30km time trial a few years back before the Canberra Marathon but it all going wrong when the big day came around.

With warm up and down it was 31km.  Massive thanks to Alex and Barts.


3 dead easy with a few strides.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

HuRTS 1km reps

A call to arms and a good crowd at Rushcutters with Timmy back in the country, Barts, Tucks, Jono, Andy and (pause for breath) even Hoey making an appearance for a speed session.  The girls were well represented with #1 LJ, Erikakaka, Renee and a new chick also in attendance.

Timmy laid out the cones and we did 6 reps of 1km off a rolling 5mins.  Started each conservatively to even split the laps but felt good before the last so took it out aggressively. Ran:

3:05, 3:06, 3:05, 3:02, 3:00, 2:53

Took my shoes off half way through.

Felt good today but got a cold coming on.  Barts took it easy feeling more fluey. Contrary to popular opinion, Hoey has plenty of speed.

Long warmdown with Barts and Heydo boring them with my work stresses for 13km all up and 104km for the week (with 2 rest days).

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesday MLR

17km early this morning around North Head with Macca, Erika and the Cap'n.  Not sure I even looked at the watch but it was slow and my legs barely got beyond shuffle mode.  Was supposed to do 4 x hills after but I had to rush to work so that got canned.  Did some glute work in the shower instead.

Passed Lewis running the other way down Manly Beach.  That bloke needs to learn how to run slower.  I'm guessing he was running 3:45's.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Fartlek, Tempo

15mins warmup, 22mins fartlek (1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1) with a 1min float recovery, 5min jog then 22mins tempo, then 15mins warm down.

Set the alarm to meet Erika down on the beachfront to run it but was too tired at 5.15am so set off an hour later.  The floats were a bit too much like jogs for the first few reps of the fartlek (running 3:29 and 3:28) but picked it up to average 3:26's by the end (6.41km).  

Tempo felt much better picking the pace up the whole way to do 6.50km (3:23's). All around Nolan's and Passmore.  Almost 20km all up.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Long 'un

Out at 5.45am to meet Macca, the Cap'n, Andy, Johnny B, Jamie and Erika. 36km on the cards and I felt every step of it.  Was tired after yesterday afternoon's session (and the week in general) and just dragged my ass around.  No food as usual and I was feeling very depleted at the end.  Hoovered down the b&e roll after and Cap'n's half eaten almond croissant.

2:46:10 (4:36's).

Saturday, May 23, 2015

15, 10, 5

Good night at the Striders Dinner last night and too busy with kids sport to do Parkrun this morning.  So headed out at 2pm and Macca was keen to join in too.  Session was 15mins tempo, 5 mins jog, 10mins tempo, 3mins jog then 5mins tempo.  Coach said keep them controlled.

Did them around Nolans and Passmore.  Averaged 3:23's for the 15mins, 3:20's for the 10mins and 3:15's for the 5mins.  All up 10.41km in 38mins (3:39's).  Good session.  Macca went well, on the 10mins he cut a corner and gave me something to chase and when he's in front he holds on really well.

4km warm up and warm down for 18.5km all up.

Watched Billy's team ping the ball around for a 7-0 win this morning.  Billy is at far left.  The slightly rotund kid next to him is our secret weapon.  Every team makes an assumption and sees him as the weak link.  But he's called Enrico and he's from Brazil and when he shows them his skills, they soon learn...

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Ted Rogers set

On the plan for today was 3, 2, 1's.  Being, 3 mins, 2 mins and 1 min off a 1 minute jog, but 5 sets of them with a 2 min rest between each set.

Good to get out to Rushcutters to do them on the grass and even better that Barts and Colin were there to share the load.  I would lead the 3 min reps, Barts the 2 min reps and Colin the 1 min.  Gave you a bit of a mental break so that you only really had to gird yourself up for the rep you were leading.

No accurate pace for me as I wasn't wearing a watch but sounded like we were averaging 81/82s per lap (440m) so probably between 3:00 and 3:10 pace.  Felt pretty good throughout recovering well from Tuesday after a monster night's sleep and some magnesium. 

J-Fen was going well running behind us.  15km all up.

Maggie had her district X-Country today and finished 39th.  She was a bit disappointed but still has 2 more years in the age group.  Here's a photo of her with her mate Chase in the proud colours of the mighty Manly West: 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Easy peasy

Very easy 7km run at lunchtime around and about.  Left calf still very stiff but gave it a good stretch after.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Long Tuesday

So coach had 30km down so did 30km. Can't say the calves were too happy about it, especially for the first 5km, but the sunrise was beautiful and conversation from Macca and the Cap'n was free-flowing.  Up around Norrh Head and then more laps of the golf course than I care to remember.

2:18 (4:36's).

Monday, May 18, 2015

SMH Half Marathon - 4th in 71:13

Yep, 4th.  Top end a bit thin this year!  But it doesn't stop the top 3 sorting themselves out and sharing $10,000 between them, and what does 4th get?  You guessed it!

Was very nervous in the lead up to this race and once again I had the musty throat, aching shoulders feeling in the couple of days prior which makes me think I'm coming down with a cold.  Particularly as Kirst has had the same all week.  But then race day arrives and I'm fine.

Got the car in with Q, Dicky and the Cap'n and met Burkey, Charlie and Jeet for a quick change and ablutions in the office.  Then to the start line for a quick warm up and we're off at the unseemly hour of 6.45am.

They changed the course slightly this year to add a hill at Circular Quay - up Young Street and down Loftus.  But we would miss the final out and back along College St near the end.  I figured I needed to hold back at the start a bit and not burn myself on this hill.  Motto was fast but always relaxed.  Liam Adams, Jeff Hunt and Matthew Cox raced off at the start leaving a battle for 4th place.  Sure enough up Young St Neil, Barts and some other chap gapped me and Alex and Mark W came past.  Then had to work a bit to get back to Barts which I managed by the bridges on Hickson Rd, with Neil still 15m ahead.  We caught him at the Darling Harbour bridge and I took the pace on a bit.  Did the loop around Fairfax, Barts keeps the pace honest and see Andy and Fats when coming back out.  Then the hills of Pyrmont and a quick look at who's behind on the u-turn where Lewis looks to be going well but Alex R is having an off day.  Then the best bit coming back out of Pyrmont to hear all the shouts of encouragement from everyone heading in.  I'm pushing the downhills but Barts, Neil and Kiei bloke catch on the flats.

10km in 33:20 (10s ahead of last year) but I'm still feeling good and keen to push on.  So I do and seem to get a gap in the uphill back to the flyover.  I try to push the advantage before the Slip Inn knowing there'll be a big crowd and more encouragement.  Along Hickson Rd and Coach Tiger is in exactly the right spot on a quiet stretch to say I've got a 50m lead on Barts and to push.  Travis is a bit further along shouting out then Pete Walker saying I've got 20s.  Then Tiger's there again on the hill before the Lord Nelson saying to keep the turnover quick and even running alongside (is that allowed?!).  Tell myself to keep pushing until the hairpin on the corkscrew as then you can look at the whites of their eyes to see who has something left.

It's OK.  Lead is solid, but I know how strongly Barts can finish.  Now the worst bit up Macquarie St where you feel as though you're running through treacle.  But the crowds are good and the finish is shorter this year and it's only a loop of MMC to go which we all know like the back of our hands.  But it hurts and I'm slowing but have a quick peek at the bottom and can't see anyone behind.  I think I subconsciously ease up here which probably costs me a sub71.  But finish with hands aloft in joy for one of my best races ever.

Lewis had a cracker and finished super strong for a sub72, smashing run mate.  Hoey ran a big PB for 73:01 but could go a minute quicker if he was more aggressive earlier.  Andy ran well for a high 74 and Macca always goes well on this tough mans course with a low 75.  Big PB by fellow RunCrew member Jamie in 76 and LJ surprised with a really good 82 just behind Darren in high 81.  

Won't mention Timmy but he captained home the English to retain the Cup.  Pictures go follow. 

Lovely breakie in Manly (Belgrave Cartel - great Mafia Eggs, Hoey) with Charlie, Burkey and Cap'n before crashing.

Squashed car, just before the hill with Barts and Kiwi behind.

Arms about to become aloft.

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Very easy 7km with Justin and, wait for it, Ben!  First run back for Ben after a horror bike accident about 8 weeks ago.  Good to see him back.


Easy 10km solo around City.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

HuRTS 400s

Jog over to Rushcutters to meet a small but die hard bunch of blokes (where are our ladies?) for 7 x 400m.  

Ran with Barts, Burkey and Crossy variously throughout doing 66/67's.

1 lap tempo at 4min kms after with Timmy et al then a long warmdown with Barts for 12km all up.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

HuRTS 10mins

Just did 2 hard and 2 easy.  Not sure about times as neither Barts nor I were wearing watches but Quentin did the uphill 2nd rep in 9:44 and we were well ahead so must have been the quickest I've ever covered it.

Legs felt funny - a bit dead (I wouldn't have wanted to go much further) but able to cope with the speed.  

Jog after with Q and Barts for 13km all up.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Best time of year

Coach had a rest day scheduled but I was quiet over lunch, the weather was perfect and keen to get out of the office so just strolled through 10km very easily. Bumped into Andy where he regaled me of his 240km weeks.  WTF?!

Sunday, May 10, 2015


20km in the late afternoon after another day in the garden, this time lifting a ton of bricks after jackhammering them out.  Needless to say I was knackered for the first few km but then bizarrely felt really good.  Went around North Head and added a Nolan's Loop to make up the kms.  Ended averaging 4:15's.

Really good night at Chris Yates's 40th last night.  No idea how I managed to ride home.  He was chatting at one point about seeing wallabies and echidnas while running around Manly Dam and, what do you know, I see an echidna the very next day running up at North Head.  I can tell that I will find this more interesting that anyone else.

What the hell is this all about?:

Saturday, May 09, 2015

Let's Marvin Gaye and Get it On

1.  Since when has Marvin Gaye been a verb?
2.  What does it even mean?  Let's all kill our Dads?

Anyway, this song was going through my mind running an easy 9km today in 40mins.  Legs cactus and yesterday and the day before.  My own fault and coach was mad.  Feel better for this evening's run.

Off to Hamburglar's 40th now.  Nice day in the garden and it's starting to look good.

Friday, May 08, 2015

Outrun Cancer Treadmill

Really just wanted to jog my 30mins, but Kaley was putting the pressure on saying we needed to average 9.36km to beat 400km in 24 hours.  Managed 9.39km feeling much better than yesterday and accelerating all the way through.  Found out the treadmill capped out at 20 km/h though.

126km for the week.  Big one.

Thursday, May 07, 2015

HuRTS 800's

Arrived at Rushcutters a bit late after another Birchy conversation moment and missed the first 2 reps.  Enda warned me the grass was long and hard going but I ignored him on the basis of usual Enda excuses.

But he was right.  Just felt as though you needed to lift your legs more than normal today.

Some new bloke called Colin (Hunt?) was leading when I arrived but tucked in behind me after I joined.  Coach said pick up the pace in the later reps.  I went:

2:25, 2:26, 2:26, 2:25, 2:26, 2:20, 2:24, 2:22.

Took my shoes off and ran barefoot after rep 4 but no discernible difference this time.  I think the difference comes when previously wearing orthotics.

Rest was about 1:40.  Only 2km there and 3km back for 11km all up.

Had promised to join in the Outrun Cancer charity treadmill challenge at 5pm so did my 30mins feeling pretty tired after 
lunchtime.  Managed 9.36km after slowing the pace after 15mins feeling it was too much.  Something dodgy about the pace guide on that treadmill though.  Makes us all look like superstars.  Couple of beers at MPB with LJ, Birchy, Charlie, Erika and Darren afterwards made it all worthwhile though.

Wednesday, May 06, 2015


14.3km around the Tan, temporary loss of concentration trying to find a loo, eventual success while levels of desperation rose, tried to get to Albert Park but couldn't access it, around Fawkner Park, around the Tan again and back to be greeted by a full English breakfast courtesy of room service.  

I could get used to this.

Very easy (4:46's) which was necessary as I was very tired to start with.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Fartlek/Tempo Double

Similar session to 2 weeks ago in Melbourne - but 79 mins continuous this time.  15 mins easy, 22 mins fartlek, 5 mins easy, 22 mins tempo, 15 mins easy.

Just me and Jamie this morning meeting at Nolans, but with Erika floating about in the opposite direction having started earlier.

The fartlek was 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1mins with 1 min float between.  Managed 6.32km for that (3:29's).  Then 6.36km on the tempo (3:27's) with very even splits.

Pretty tired this morning after the weekend's efforts but got through fairly consistently.  Right hip flexor a bit sore though.

20km all up.

Monday, May 04, 2015

Run home

It's 14.7km, think that's the shortest route I've found.  Ran without orthotics and felt great albeit very easy pace (4:38's).  Did 4 x 100m strides at end.

Sunday, May 03, 2015

Long Sunday

So no let up from the coach and straight into a 33km run this morning.  The success of the NOBS is drawing more people to the runs - 9 of us this morning with Barts, Macca, Craig, Quentin, Andy, Johnny Binfield, Erika and Darren all showing up.  

Route was Narrabeen and back via the Western lake path, with a loop around Queensie to make up the 33km.  Nice gentle pace all the way for 2:29 (4:31's).  First time over 30km in a long while but felt fine until the final km when the lure of coffee and a b&e roll made my legs a bit weak.

The Toon are tumbling down the table and have to be favourites to join Burnley and QPR now.  I can only dream about mid table mediocrity.  Go Pacquiao!

Saturday, May 02, 2015

Sydney 10 - 26th in 32:07

So, I picked up Captain Grumpy and Ireland's Undisputed No.1 at 6am for the drive over.  A few nerves in the car.  Macca was musing over how to take Jamie down and get under 34mins.  Justin was musing over how to broach the issue of turning the radio off.

Arrived to find the longest queue of all time to pick up our numbers.  WTF?  Why an issue this year? Never has been previously.  Eventually picked it up and did the warm up with Macca.  More nerves here with everyone seemingly in their own headspace to warm up.  But the HuRT Squad were there in force.  Enda, Timmy, CT, Barts, Quentin, Erika, Darren, Birchy, TKS, Jeet, Angus, Bruce, Craig Mc, Hoey, LJ (pacing) to name just a few.  Being an ANSW event all the other big names were there too and there was no risk of being stranded.  Just puts even more pressure on - no excuse to ease off.

We stood on the line for an eternity being introduced to an endless list of "favourites".  I was about 3 rows back and standing beside Milly Clark who, surprisingly, was not mentioned among the favourites, despite being 2nd in the C2S for the past 2 years.  I mentioned this to her and she laughed it off.  She wasn't laughing 20 seconds later when, in the sprint from the line, I accidentally stood on her heel and nearly pulled her shoe off.  Hope it didn't affect her.  I felt dead guilty.  But she still ran a sub35.  I'll apologise when we run past her around Narrabeen Lake tomorrow.

Felt magic in the first 2km.  2:58 for the first km and 9:20 at 3km.  We had formed a good little group of me, Barts, Alex R and others with 2 guys ahead (Matt Cole and Kieran Roche) to chase.  At 3km I started to feel a bit tired and struggled up the drag past 4km but towards the top the pace seemed to drop so I pushed on again.  5km in 15:47 and I'm trying just to relax.  At 6km we start to catch Matt Cole starts to push on so I just try to hang on to him.  Stays this way until 8km with the group just me, Barts, Matt and Kieran.  Then on the drag towards 9km I'm really digging deep and hear a shout from behind saying "3:30 and you'll get the record and bonus!", which can only mean the first chick is right behind me!  Holy Crap!  Now I really dig deep up the hill but Barts has 15m on me.  Into the Stadium and I manage what I can of a sprint to hold off Gwen Jorgensen.  Down the home straight and I see 31:5# on the clock - is it possible?!  No.  Clock was 5s quick and it had ticked over in any case.  32:07 behind Barts' 32:03.  Match my PB so I'm generally chuffed but tinged with a bit of disappointment not to get under 32.  I lost it from 8km really.  Just shows that to run a PB you really can't let up at any point.

Turn around to see people coming in - first Alex and Kevin Robertson in mid 32's and then Lewis, Hoey, Quentin and Eloise in the high 32's - big PB for Lewis which couldn't happen to a more deserving chap.  Was always on the cards.  Then Craig Mc with a PB in high 33's, Jamie running a minute PB to finish just over 34 but just in front of Macca.  Great runs by all three.  Enda will be disappointed with his mid 34 (basically with Macca and Jamie ahead of him) but good to see Bruce and Angus getting close to 35.  The NOBS smashed the SOBS today.  Darren ran a huge PB in 36:50 and Erika posted a great comeback run time in 38:40ish.  But where's Timmy?  Well, to be honest I expected to lose $20 today with Timmy having to run 36:47 or quicker but he only managed a 37:29. He was understandably a bit disappointed but there's no issue with his speed, he just needs to start putting the long runs in regularly and easing off the Saturday night booze.  Has worked for Darren.

Then who should appear all sheepish carry a 40min pacing flag?  LJ bounced up telling us how much fun she had pacing until we asked her what time she ran.  40:20!!!  Let's just say I count 11 people calling for her head including an Olympic finalist - and that's after she sprinted around the track finishing like Mo Farah in order to make up time!

Easy cool down with Barts and Jamie to cap off a good morning.  Then had to go to work so no ritual coffee and B&E roll unfortunately.  But, despite the registration blunder, this is a great event and a must do.

Erika, me, Jamie and Darren.
NOBS all.

Love this photo too.  Probably the two guys I've fought most closely with (usually unsuccessfully) over the past 18 months.

Thursday, April 30, 2015


Just Jamie and I this morning at 6.10am for 1, 2, 3, 4, 1 min efforts off a 1 min jog recovery.  Did a 4km warm up, into it then a 5km warm down.  Throat a bit better but legs a bit lethargic so another easy day tomorrow will definitely be needed.

13km all up.  Jamie going well.  Could be a sub34 chance.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Rest and worry

A rest day for me today plus worried about a sore throat.

But had to be a proud Dad and post a picture of Maggie finishing her school x-country.  She's in Yr 2, but running against Yr 3's and some younger Yr 4's managed to finish 6th and get through to District.  Nice form and determination:

Charlie (in Yr 3 so Maggie's equivalent race for boys) was happy with his 15th as he beat his mates.  Billy slipped in a puddle after 1.5km while 8th and ended up in sick bay with ice on his ankle.

So my girls are both through to District while the boys can concentrate on their XBox skills.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Missed Monday post - 12km running home but getting a cab from Condamine.  Very slow.

2km TT

Over to ES Marks this evening for a 2km TT with some 200m's to follow which I had to miss in order to pick up Charlie.

Warmed up with Coach and his crew but had to start earlier than the rest as a result of running out of time.  One of the fast girls called Davina was to pace me through 800m in 2:20 and then I had to hold on for another 3 laps.  Felt great in the warm up and strides and conditions were cool with a bit of wind down the back straight. Main issue was a very busy track meaning a bit of weaving required.

Davina went off hard and we were though 200m in 32s.  800m in 2:18, 1km in 2:52 and finished in 5:49.7.

New PB for me today and felt able to push hard on the final lap.  Probably eased off a bit too much on lap 3.

Only time for a short warm down before jumping in the car.  

Fighting off a sore throat.  But this was a confidence booster if I can keep it at bay.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Schedule had an hour.  So I set off later and ran the usual Sunday route in reverse expecting to bump into the lads after 30 mins for the second half.

But they never showed?  Kept on running all the way to Narrabeen Lake but still no sign.  So jogged back slowly having gone further than scheduled.  Eventually turning into Pittwater Rd with only 3km to go I see Macca and Justin storming from behind and with a km to go Macca catches me. Ran with him at the end to do 19km in 4:35's.

Nice breaky with Craig, Macca, Justin and Charlie before catching up again in the evening to watch the London Marathon.  Chuffed to see the classy Kipchoge take it out.  He's under-rated but joins the likes of Bekele, Gebreselllasie and Zatopek as someone who has won world titles at 5000m and won the most competitive marathon.  Bit disappointed by Shelley's 2:11:19.  It's an argument against negative splitting (which Shelley did).  On a course with a downhill first half, a negative split is a wasted opportunity and excessively conservative.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Saturday sess

Only got out at 4.30pm and managed to time it perfectly with the arrival of a late afternoon storm.  We avoided the hail in Manly bit still a downpour that drenched me on my 10min and 8min reps.

Session was 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 with 2min jogs inbetween - same as a couple of Tuesday's ago.  Felt better this time around.  Coach said to push the later reps and put effort in in the middle of each.  

All went well.  Ended up doing 10.98km in the 38mins and went through 10km in 34:32 (3:27's).  Faster reps were at 3:15 pace.  Ran flat loops around Nolan's, Passmore and Lakeside Crescent (3.1km loop).

3km warm up and down for 17km all up.

Friday, April 24, 2015


Flew back to Sydney in the arvo and got out for a very easy 30mins in the evening before heading to the theatre with Billy.  

Only 83km for the week having been badly disrupted by freakish weather and travel.  But managed to get the key sessions in.

Fartlekking the Tan

Flew from Perth to Melbourne early Thursday morning.  Checked into hotel and immediately changed into running clothes to get out to do the session.

Jogged 15mins from my hotel to the top of the hill of the Tan and started 20mins of fartlek (2mins on, 1min off).  Ran anti-clockwise which seemed to be the opposite to everyone else.  Felt very lethargic to start with with the legs not wanting to play ball, but eased my way into the session from 3km onwards.  Very happy with the distance on 20mins - 5.88km (3:24 pace average).

Then 5mins jog followed by 20mins tempo.  Ran clockwise this time, to get the hill over in one go and have a gentle downslope for 2.5km to follow.  Again struggled in first km then it came together.  Km splits were 3:26, 3:21, 3:39, 3:17, 3:14, 3:17 (pace) for 5.92km and a 3:22 average all up.  Clocked my lap of the Tan split at 12:59.

Then 15mins jog back to the hotel for 19km all up.  Very happy with that session given all the flying of the previous 48 hours.  Feel like I'm hitting some good form.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wild West

So last night was spent watching the water around us rise.  Headed to Jason's next door, along with fellow neighbours John, Rob, Geoff and Tomas and a fair few crew from the Manly Daily and Daily Telegraph.  John brought around a lovely St. Hugo Shiraz and we were having a great time.  But the water kept on rising - particularly on the road in front of the house.  Headed into the house at midnight.  Kept a lookout until 2.30am when it finally started receding, but at that stage my garage was flooded and it was within 3 inches of coming into the house.  Definitely a brown pants moment, particularly as every other family in the street had sent their kids off to friends whilst mine (and my wife) slept soundly in bed oblivious to what was going on.

Went to bed, then got up at 5.30am and the water was a full metre lower than 3 hours earlier.  Got a taxi to the airport, flew to Perth.  Arrived in balmy warm and sunny conditions so ran 12.3km along lovely paths by the river in 52:29 (4:16's) before heading to the office to work out what they do over here.

Very chilled city and with the ability to run for miles without crossing a road, I like it.

Now knackered and going to bed after an eventful 24 hours.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Wild Sydney

Session was 12 x 1mim reps run hard with a rest between.  But Sydney is in the middle of a storm cell and Nolan's looked like this:

So much so, that even my youngest, Claudia, was nervous.  See figure 2:

So decided to get up to North Head (why?) and run my reps there.  Queenscliff lagoon was almost un-runnable, but eventually got there and started the reps, into the wind, from the Stone Arch.  Needless to say the first few into the wind were a farce (about 300m each), but on the return I felt like Mo Farah (350m).

Jog back for 19km all up.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Similar Sunday

1:45 on the plan for today.  Met Justin, Craig, Macca, Jamie and Quentin on Pittwater Rd (with them having done a few km beforehand) and because they were warmed up the pace was pretty solid (low 4:20's) from the off for me.

Ran to Narrabeen Lake via Cromer, did a lap of the lake then back the same way.  25km in 1:45 something (4:12's) with a 1km slow jog after to warm down.  Macca picked the pace up from the dirt track at Narrabeen Lake (just after running past recent years C2S bridesmaid Milly Clark) with just Justin and I following in his wake.

Felt great today after yesterday's rest day.  But did feel guilty at the fact everyone else was running 30km+.  In coach I trust...

Saturday, April 18, 2015

60mins tempo

In Seal Rocks.  Waited until the late arvo, did a 1km warm up (not least to get the initial big hill out of the way).  Then nervously got under way.

Basically ran to Yagon on the unsealed road (4km) and back, twice then plus some.  First km is a gradual uphill the whole way and did it in 3:42 thinking hokey cow, this isn't near the 3:30's coach was expecting. But that was the slowest km.  Averaged 3:36's for the first 30mins then 3:30's for the second 30mins.  Ended up doing 17km in 60:21 (3:33's).  

Bloody tough over the undulating hills.  Felt a bit nauseous afterwards but got a lot out of it.

2km warmdown for 20km all up and 114km for the week.

Friday, April 17, 2015


Supposed to do the hour tempo Thursday morning but too tired and slept through alarm so swapped for Fridays run and just did 30mins easy along the beach.  Beautiful morning.  6.8km.

Busy day then drove up to Seal Rocks at 7pm.  Worst night sleep ever being attacked by a gazillion mozzies.  Woke up with one eye so swollen from a mozzie bite that I could barely open it so I now look like The Elephant Man.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Easy Wed

Rolled over when the alarm went off at 5.30am.  Out at 6.45am and bumped into Justin, Macca, Darren and Erika towards the end of their run near Shelley Beach.

Ran with Macca for the rest of my 12km around the golf course and finished with 4 x 100m hills on the road leading down to Passmore.

Done but tired this morning.  Pace would have been just under 4:40's.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

10, 8, 6, 4, 2

Turned up to the HuRTS session (on one fine day) where they were doing 2 x 20mins.  If you were to analyse that, my session didn't quite fit, but set off with them nonetheless (starting with marathon man Fats) and ran the same route.  Session was 10mins, 8mins, 6mins, 4mins, 2mins all with a 2 minute rest between, so a bit like a Mona Fartlek.  Most of my endurance sessions have a hard running time of 40mins, and most of my speed sessions have a hard running time of 20mins, so at 30mins this was an inbetweener.

No guidance from Coach Carter on pace so I just ran as hard as felt comfortable which turned out at 3:15 to 3:20 pace.  After the first rep the session was about to get hard.  Struggled on the 6mins and 4mins but raised something on the 2mins to almost catch Timmy.  Solid session.

Warmed down with running man Jimmy (who was keen to stop for water when he saw a pretty woman at the Farm Cove bubbler) and Jono the kite (surf) runner.  16km all up.

First Double

30mins easy to Shelley finishing at Ground Zero for some breakie. 6.5km without orthotics feeling good.  4:36's.
Bumped into Andrew Daddo at Shelley on his run - keeping the weight off post I'm a Celebrity GMOOH.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Run home

Ran home with 'Lil Jimmy showing him the way.  16.64km (went via Manly) with 4 x 100m strides towards the end.  1:20 something (4:48's).

Then settled down with Jimmy to watch Game of Thrones (woo-hoo!) then the Premier League wrap up show over pizza.  Perfect.

Seal Rocks

Coach had 90mins down.  Ran 90:01 - basically to Yagon and back twice.  Should have got up earlier and arranged a run with Quentin who was staying at Treachery, but I'm no good early in the morning when camping.  When I run that undulating route (which I reckon I've now run more than anyone in history) I always seem to run the hills strongly and work the glutes.  It meant I ended up covering 21.02km in my 90mins (4:16's).

Some great results from Canberra over the weekend, with Neil winning the Half in 71:32 (exactly the same time I ran in NY) and Craig coming 2nd in the 50km in 3:07 going through 42.2 in 2:38.  Good to see Kanser getting some form back putting a minute into Timmy in running a low 83.

Tucks continued his trail dominance in coming 2nd in the Buffalo Stampede Ultra to some Englishman - no shame in that.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Parkrun - 1st in 16:12

Bit fuzzy this morning after a few Kolsch's with Jimmy and Jason (neighbour) last night in the 4 Pines.  But coach had Parkrun followed by 10 x 30s on the program so got out and did 4+km warm up before meeting Macca, Jamie, Pete, Bruce, JohnBo and Dicky on the start line.

Felt pretty good today and light on my feet without wearing the orthotics.  Had Jamie stick with me for 1km but then gradually drop a bit.  The usual struggle between 2km and 3km but picked it up again at the end.  Km splits on my watch were 3:06, 3:14, 3:25, 3:10 and 3:08.

Jamie was told to do 3km hard, 500m easy then 1.5km hard which produced an interesting result as Macca, Dicky and Bruce all caught him right at the end with Macca coming through strongly for 3rd place in under 17mins.  He seemed pretty chuffed with that and should be.  Not sure of the bloke who came 2nd in 16:38 - he looked pretty serious doing his warm up and warm down.

Then jogged back with Jamie, Macca and Dicky with Jamie and I doing our 10 x 30s (30 on, 30 off) along the way.  30 on and 30 off means you end up running 3:45's.  So a good session all up for 15km.

Maggie's first game of netball.  She was aggressive.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday easy and hills

Did 20mins solo then met Erika and did 40mins with her.  Then we did 4 x 100m grass hills on Timmy's hill.  Averaged about 22s for those.

Felt good today.  14km all up.

124km for the week.  Biggest in donkies.

Thursday, April 09, 2015

20 min efforts

Up at sparrows fart to lay some cones and meet Jamie and Amy, Macca and Erika for 2 x 20mins with a 5 min rest.  First 20 mins was to be fartlek (2 mins on, 1 min float) while the second 20mins was just constant effort. 

Went well this morning.  Jamie pushed the first couple of efforts on the fartlek then dropped back.  I must have slowed a bit during the fartlek as I did the first full loop in 8:00 and the second in 8:12.  But all up managed 5.84km (3:25's average). 

Felt much more comfortable on the hard effort run (if that's not an oxymoron) running low 3:20's until the 4th km slipped to 3:29 so put a bit more effort in to finish it off.  Ended up with 5.93km (3:23's average).

1km warm up and 4.5km warm down with Macca for 17km all up.  Rock solid training this week and feeling good.

Big news is I have a coach for the first time since my Dad coached me aged 16.  Signed up to RunCrew until Gold Coast Marathon.  So at least I'll have someone to blame if it all goes to crap.

Tommy's stat of the day:

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Wednesday MLR

Out with Justin and Dicky for the usual route.  Stiff and sore to start with but gradually eased up - particularly after Dicky set his usual breakneck pace.  All up 17.something km in 1:16 (4:27's).

Nice to get home and have Claudia asking if she could do some run training. Then Kirst arrived back from her PT in a good mood so we went for breaky at Emporio (taking just one kid) and feeling like a normal family for once.

This is Claudie:

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

HuRTS 14 x 3mins

In the future, they will talk of the 7th April 2015 and those hardy HuRTS few who fronted reps number 12, 13 and 14.  Fifty showed up.  Seven were left standing.  They included Charlie "Warrior" Dalziell, Macca "Hardman" McClarnon, Angus "Knows What it Takes to Run Sub35" Boyd, Tom "TOMTom" Lee and Tom "Leading by Example" Highnam.  And a few others I can't remember.

It was a fine day to start but after about 8 reps someone pointed out the ominous black clouds gathering over Western Sydney.  On rep 12, it hit with the mother of all mini-storms coming over us.  I was running blind with horizontal hailstones coming across and nearly ran into at least 2 or 3 people going the other way.  Of course, at this point those SOBS like CT, Enda, J-Fen et al. had all upped-stumps and headed to the nearest coffee shop for their decaf coconut chai's.

Reps went (distance wise):

850m, 890m, 900m, 900m, 900m, 900m, 920m, 910m, 920m, 920m, 930m, 870m (super cell Cyclone Vinny coming through), 910m and 950m

900m is 3:20's.  920m is 3:15's.  950m is 3:09.

Solid session.  Great to see Wildman back out there.  Tucks and CT putting in last minute sessions before Buffalo Stampede at the weekend.  I don't envy them that.

Warm up and down for 17km all up.  This week will be my biggest of the year yet.

Monday, April 06, 2015

Easter Monday

14km in the late afternoon - 7km up to North head turning around and retracing my steps.  Bit of verbal abuse from Ireland's no.2 Johnny Burke up the hill at Shelley Beach.  But otherwise unremarkable.  60:29 (4:19's).

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Easter Sunday Long Run

OK, well I buggered up my clock changing.  We were meeting at 5.30am (which should feel like 6.30am), except I use my phone as a clock and it automatically adjusted for daylight savings changes, so I actually got up at 7am.

Cursed quite a lot for the first 5km, then randomly bumped into Jamie as he was emerging from the path leading to Dee Why Beach.  Massive coincidence really (he'd thought we were meeting at 6.10am aka 7.10am) so we ran together along the normal route in reverse.  The big question was which way around the lake Macca and Justin were going to have gone.  I said Macca would have put 2 and 2 together and avoided the mud on the near side.  Jamie said Justin was a creature of habit and would have insisted on going the near side.  Turns out when we met them that this is exactly the way their conversation had panned out in deciding which way to go!

Ran back and the pace picked up a bit.  Justin peeled off, Macca ran with us half way down Manly Beach then headed home leaving Jamie and I.  By this stage we'd started to chase some old fella running quite quickly down Manly Beach and were running sub4's.  We were both feeling pretty good so just upped the pace from there.  I ended up doing 30km in 2:07:11 (4:14's) with the final 10km in 38:35.

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Striders Lane Cove - 5th in 34:33

Was pretty underwhelmed coming into this race.  Weather was crap with teeming rain but more relevantly, I was nervous after feeling so average on Thursday morning not helped by too many beers on Thursday night.  Didn't want my legs to feel so dead again so decided on taking it easy early on then feeling my way into the race.  Did a 4km warm up with Justin, Macca and Dicky in the pitch black.

Lined up a few rows back and set off behind Timmy and LJ feeling pretty comfortable.  Shortened my stride going up Scribbly Gums and found myself in about 8th spot and picking people up as I went.  However, as soon as pushed just a bit too hard the legs felt very average so I figured I was doing the right thing.  1km in 3:25, 2km in 6:54, 3km in 10:34, 4km in 13:57.  Not sure of 5km (it's on the steep hill and I'm concentrating here) but I'd guess 17:40.  From then I could see Robin Vonk, Lewis and Alex R up ahead so concentrated on trying to catch them and worked harder to do so.  Caught Robin at 6km then Lewis at 8km.  Got closish to Alex but he was cruising and upped the pace when he heard my slapping footsteps.  So a good negative split but just need the body to recover and work to calm down.

Nice run by Barts to get close to Dave C but otherwise times were pretty average today.  Timmy won $20 after staying ahead of LJ.  One more months training and she'll have him.  'Lil Jimmy looked resplendent in an England football kit.  Justin and Dicky need to stop running together the whole time.  Macca came home strong picking up a number of places and CT was forced to time trial for 3rd place.  Thank God that's all over.  

Friday, April 03, 2015

Friday Filler

Big night of beers last night first at work after a very challenging week and then in the Woolloomooloo Bay Hotel for the final Biathlon of the season celebrations.  So felt pretty average today.  Got out in the afternoon for 8km feeling better every step I took.  Shelly Beach and back running around Lakeview Crescent at the end to make up the distance.  34:10 (4:16's).  A grey run but what the hell, just running to feel.

108km for the week (largest for a while) but really disappointing sessions.  Not sure why this is - may be the stresses at work.  Will race tomorrow but not sure how I'll play it.  I don't want my legs to feel as they did on Thursday morning.

Beaches Crew 800's

Up bright and early again for 800's along the beach.  Just Jamie, Macca, Amy and Anna this morning, with the 6 x 800's to run off a rolling 4 mins.

I felt crap from the word go.  Just couldn't get the legs moving today, and when I did try to speed up I would start to go lactic.  Reps went 2:35, 2:33, 2:31, 2:32, 2:30, 2:30.  I was pretty much running with Jamie for the first half of each rep then pulling ahead slightly in the 2nd half.  After this mediocre showing I had to do something to make myself feel better so called for two extra 400's.  Ran those in 71s and 68s, feeling marginally better.

Long warm down with Macca, Jamie and Amy for 13km all up and my worst session of the year.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Wednesday MLR

Out early in the dark with Justin and Dicky.  Couldn't find my trainers so had to wear an older pair without orthotics.  Amazing how much lighter and bouncier you feel without them.  But the downside was my achilles was tight even early on.

Honest pace as ever with Dicky leading the way but he turned back at the roundabout up to North Head so Justin and I dropped to a more comfortable pace without him.  17.6km all up - 4:37 pace.

Kirst is on a dairy free, low sugar diet and I discovered this amazing yoghurt that fits the bill.  Seriously, it's nicer than any normal yoghurt I've tasted.  Had a massive dollop on my Weetbix post-run:

And this one's for Timmy - Fog on the Tyne:

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

More of the same

No chance of getting out at lunch so ran to work (same way as ran home last night) putting some effort in.  But when the first km pings out at 4:21 you know things aren't going too well.  It's a bloody tough run to work (more so now I've moved) as I was telling Enda and Jackie O after bumping into them in the City at the end.

57:59 all up.  9 minute improvement on 12 hours earlier and legs rooted, but nothing spectacular there.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Stressed man

Stressful day at work with no chance to get out so ran home like last week.  Felt ok -and that's about it.  67:08.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Same old Sunday

Huge crew this morning.  As a result, Justin was sweating early on as he had the credit card for getting breaky in afterwards.

Back to the old route and chatting the whole way with Barts, Macca, Lewis, Craig Mc, Jamie, Erika and Darren in addition to Justin.  30km in 2:14 (4:28's).

Nice dip in the ocean after if a bit nippy.  Everyone may have been laughing at my long sleeve top when I fronted up this morning, but they weren't after the ocean  swim.  

Saturday suffering

Couldn't get out Friday but then had another massive night at a leaving party for some friends.  So that was two nights in a row as Ronan's was a 2am finish too.  Not able to cope with that these days.  Just about managed 10km in the late afternoon in 43:58.

Thursday on the Beaches

Up and out early for 4 x 1 mile along the beachfront.  Macca, Justin, Jamie, Dicky and Lewis were there along with Amy, Emma and Anna.  Ran the first with Lewis but he was recovering from sickness and came into a tough session too early.  So ended running the rest solo.  Times went 5:08, 5:09, 5:06 and 5:09.  Hard to get the legs going so early to be honest but did the job.

Warmdown for 13km all up.

Then out in the evening for Ronan's charity trivia night.  Great night all round but foolishly agreed to a $50 bet with Macca with him supporting his man Craig Mc ahead of me at Gold Coast Marathon.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

MLR that nearly wasn't

Out of bed at 5.50am due to meet at the Boy Charlton at 6am.  Got to Queenscliff lagoon entrance and assumed I had missed everyone.  So ran solo towards and along the beach with a reassessed plan of doing 5km, goin back to bed then running home with Jimmy this evening.

Turned at 2.5km but then shortly bumped into Justin and Erika so turned again and ran with them.  Justin told stories of Shanghai while Erika and I commiserated with him.

17km all up. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

HuRTS 45min progressive tempo

Funny old day today.  Got out of the office to find it pretty hot and humid.  But then just as we finished the session the temp dropped and the rain started to fall. 

Made for a tough session with plenty of sweating, particularly wearing a T-Shirt.  Set out with Barts, CT, Tucks, Fats and The Other Manly Tom (TOM Tom).  Felt pretty good on the way out and we turned after 23:15 at the first traffic calming device past the bridges.  I pushed the pace after we turned conscious it would be tough to get back in the time available.

Barts went ahead at 30mins (hitting Alfred St at CQ) with just me and CT left. Started to feel the pace here a bit and we were at the OH gates at 34:15.  10:00 to get back going via the middle path which is solid running, pretty much finishing together.

CT running well again.  Some tired bodies out there today.

Ran 3+km this morning to the wharf and a long warm down with Barts and Andy for 20km all up today.

Monday, March 23, 2015


Ran home from work very, very easy.  In fact, it was Hoey training pace.  One of those runs where you feel better at the end than the start.  Still working out the quickest way home.  Today involved Burnt Bridge Creek where I ran into a massive fruit bat.  That was weird.

Great run by Benny St on Saturday night getting back towards top form with a 13:33 at Melbourne over 5000m (World Champs qualifier) to finish 2nd.


Major hangover following curry and beers with the Manly runners in Freshie.  Top night, but was capable of nothing more than 6km very easy on Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Long Saturday

Beers and curry tonight so a long run today.  Met up with Barts, Dicky and Macca with Charlie D joining us in Dee Why for 10km or so.  Solid pace from the off and Macca wanted a fast finish.  Ran with him letting Barts run off ahead.  

Legs were rooted and I struggled to stay with Macca.  Still, 30+km averaging 4:10 so pretty solid.  The B&E roll tastes good after that.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Fit It In Friday

A very easy 12.5km with Kanser, JBo and Bruce.  Got an earful from Kanser slagging off Aussies.  I don't think he realised Bruce was an Aussie.  You'd think the name would give it away.

Hey Timmy, coincidentally I took an office shot this morning.  Here you go:

Thursday, March 19, 2015

HuRTS 10 x 400m

The classic session on a beautiful, if slightly too warm and humid day.  We were teased with the early onset of Autumn.  This was still Summer.

Over to Rushcutters where Timmy had his cones out.  CT and Barts were in attendance alongside a massive crowd for a Rushcutters session.  Had a good chat with LJ on the way over and great to see her back out regularly again.

I felt pretty good today.  I think 3 days virtual rest since Sunday did the world of good as every rep would run the same course of CT and Barts taking it out hard for the first 200m while I tried to hold on then I'd come past and push the pace for the final 200m.  Did the first 5 in shoes looking forward to running the second 5 barefoot. 

Not sure about Timmy's 400m distance markings but we ran them all in 65/66's, the final in 63.

Although I felt fine running, legs feel rooted this evening so I think it was all down to the rest since Sunday.

Had a shock this morning to find they'd changed the artwork in our office overnight.  For some reason, this is what I've been given:

Someone is trying to give me a message.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday recovery

Very easy run and necessary as my legs are surprisingly still very tired from the Half.  Maybe a bit of jet lag in there too.  Just 11km all up averaging 5 min kms.  Bumped into Hoey and ran most of the way with him, chatting about the pain of Six Foot.  He's vowed not to repeat.  We shall see.

Monday, March 16, 2015

New York Half Marathon

Spent all day yesterday stressing about the prep for this race.  What should I wear?  Should I wear a watch?  How do the corrals work?  Will they have enough toilets?

On the last question I needn't have worried.  I've never seen so many portaloos.  Always one free.  Sydney could learn a lesson there.

In the end I wore my usual kit but did wear a watch.  Threw off my extra clothes into the donation bin at the last minute (a Tommy Hilfiger long sleeve top and a fleece - each bought for only $9.99 yesterday in Macy's - clothes are SO cheap here).

I lined up early and, after some podgy Mexicans pushed in front of me, started about 6 rows back from the front.  The siren goes and it's a bit of a scramble but I get away and into running ok.  An early hill sorts people out and we're through the first mile in 5:28.  A bit slow. But then the pace picks up as I pick up a group of 5.  Second mile in 5:08.  Km splits are all over the place so I give up on the watch other than checking mile (and 5km) splits.

At the top end of Central Park there's a cool section where you run along 110th street in Harlem, come around a big roundabout and back into the park.  Gives you a great chance to see the leaders (all Kenyans) and top Americans like Meb, Bumbalough, Tegenkamp and Ritz.  5km in 16:30 and I'm feeling good.  Then the big hill in Central Park comes, and it's followed by a load of rolling hills.  I come out of the park and our group has split apart.  I hit 10km in 33:40 and I'm floundering, wondering where it all went wrong.  Run down 7th Ave to Times Square (which is surreal) but it's into a headwind and I realise the whole length of the West Side Highway will be the same.  I'm feeling pretty low here, but then my saviour arrives.  He's like a Yank Hoey.  Someone to drag me through the second half.  I jump on his back and immediately we start catching and overtaking all the group who dropped me in Central Park.  Each one tries to jump on as we go past but drop off shortly after.  Down the West Side Highway and as Yank Hoey slows a bit, I take up the slack but, given its into the wind, my turns are shorter than his.  I keep on saying (to quote Farah) "One Mo Mile" before I drop off.  But then we're at 11 miles, I see Freedom Tower and it's all getting close.

Through some massive tunnel and I'm fighting hard here, thinking I can save something by getting a sub72.  Then out in the clear, more cheering by the NYPD and Firemen and over the line in 71:32.

Pleased to have recovered after I thought I was down and out.  A 70:xx is definitely possible on a good course in good conditions.  But this was an amazing experience and that's what I'll mostly take from it.  Everyone in the city supports it.  The hotel porter high fives you when you come back in.  Australia could learn from the enthusiasm everyone shows.

2nd Over 40:

New York #4

Just an easy 30mins on the treadmill as it was pissing with rain outside and not the nice sort of refreshing rain you get in Sydney.

Then caught up with TB for some pasta and red wine.  He fits right in in NYC.

When I was a kid I had this sort of encyclopaedia called "Fact Finder" (actually it was probably one of my brothers) which I was a bit obsessed with.  I never read novels as a kid, just fact books and maps.  I was a bit of a nerd.  Anyway, in Fact Finder they had a piece on a sculpture called "Bird in Space" by Brancusi.  I thought it was really cool as a kid.  So yesterday I wander into the Met and in one of the rooms, there I see "Bird in Space" in the flesh, so to speak.  It made my day.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

New York #3

Stepped out of the hotel in the usual running gear (2 long sleeve tops, full length skins, shorts, thick socks).  Ran 50m, turned around, back to Hotel and put a thick hoody on as well.  Absolutely bitter this morning, -1C but with a windchill to cut straight through you.

But a beautiful day and the usual route but coming back down 6th Ave.  Got overtaken in the park this morning.  Didn't like that.

Good luck to all running Six Foot today - I'll be tracking results from 4pm my time. Go Quentin!  Go Tucks!  Go Fats!  Go Jono!  Go Hoey!  Will be a great battle up front.

Friday, March 13, 2015

New York #2

This time up 6th Avenue (I think it's my favourite), around Central Park anti-clockwise (it's the way everyone seems to go and race direction for Sunday) then back down Broadway to Times Square and home.  

Over an hour today as I took it very easy nursing a hangover but pushed a couple of the hills in CP as some annoying bloke was sat on my heels.  Won't run down Broadway again either.  Too many bloody tourists.

Now reverting to my roots sat in the Cock 'n Bull Pub drinking a Newcastle Brown and eating Bangers and Mash.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

New York #1

Day of travelling yesterday so no run.  Pretty broken nights sleep with jet lag, so easy to get up this morning for a run.  

Rugged up in Skins etc. and set off in the cold running up Madison Ave and around Central Park before coming back down 5th Avenue.  Much better on 5th as it's extra wide.  Reminded me of running when a kid due to the cold - Central Park is still full of snow.  Was fantastic.  Love this city.  Ended up running for an hour.  4:10 pace around the Park (which is hilly!) but slower crossing the roads back to the hotel.

Me on 5th Ave later on:

Monday, March 09, 2015

Makeshift Monday

A bit late out so joined the crew of Bruce, TKS, The No.2 Jordan and Adam at CQ for the usual route - joined by Charlie and Andy a bit later.  Easy pace of 4:40's - 11km.

Very warm out there today.  Tomorrow is going to be a shock to the system.

Sunday, March 08, 2015

New lap of the lake

Out with Macca, Lewis, Barts and Andy on a new route going the back paths to Cromer then doing a lap of Narrabeen Lake around the newly opened paths and back to Queensie.  Top route.  29km slow with all our legs sore from yesterday.

But the dip in the ocean and B&E rolls went a long way to sorting that out.

4:40's I think.

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Striders North Head - 4th in 32:39

Up out and early and, for the first time, rode to the start line.  Well, rode to the bottom of Darley Rd then pushed the bike up the hill.  Didn't want to risk overdoing the glutes.

Bizarre experience while taking some excess clothes off before my warm up when I put my hand on the window ledge of the building where the refreshments are to feel something moving underneath it.  Removed my hand to see a slightly squashed red back spider (biggie too) trying to crawl away.  Panicked a bit, then realised it hadn't bitten me so all good.  But got the heart going.

Massive turn out from the squad and loads of the faster runners on show.  Barts, CT, Criniti, Neil P, Lewis, Quentin, Hoey, Andy, Macca and Mitch Dean all showing up.  But late pull-outs from Enda (queasy tummy worrying about Macca's form) and LJ (dodgy ITB) with knock-on consequences for Birchy.

Plan was to push hard early and work with the inevitable group.  Mitch and Barts immediately went quicker than the rest of us with me, Neil, Lewis, Hoey, Quentin and Criniti in the next group.  At 2.5km Criniti comes flying down the hill outside the kiosk and pushes ahead and I must have subconsciously upped the pace to follow him.  He moves ahead after 300m but it blows apart our group and I'm now running solo.  However, coming back towards the Stone Arch I can hear them catching and Neil and Hoey draw level at about 5km (16:10 I think).  I struggle on the false flat after the arch with Hoey taking the pace and immediately think here we go again. But all I have to do is hang on and allow him to drag me around with his usual even pacing.  Around 6km we must have dropped Neil.  8km I'm blowing very hard up the hill and give up hope, but by the long flat towards 9km I'm feeling ok again.  Push the downhill, get a bit of a break at the Arch and work very hard up the false flat to the finish.

Pleased with the time.  Disappointed to be 20s behind Barts but he is in great form.  Another great run by Hoey and I have to thank him again - 30s PB looking smooth.  Quentin did his usual trick of just holding off Neil and Lewis ran 33:38 behind CT. He should be much further up based on his training.

$20 from Timmy after failing to hold 4:15 and $20 from Enda for bailing on the Irish Challenge means my Striders race entries for the year are paid for in one fell swoop.

Coffee and B&E Rolls after.

This, apparently, is a 3/4 Latte. I think it's a Bondi thing.  The barista must be on secondment from SOTB.

Friday, March 06, 2015

Workday Friday

Holy moley.  Suddenly very busy at work.  

Sneaked out for a run to Edgecliff to buy some new trainers than ran back in them.  Very comfy.  7km and 96km for the week.

Will be looking for a big run in them tomorrow morning.  With CT, Quentin, Neil, Barts, Lewis and Hoey all running, it's going to be very competitive.

I've got a couple of bets.  $20 with Timmy giving him a 4:15 head start and $20 with Enda that my man Macca will reverse last month's result.  Enda is backing himself this time rather than Timmy and I having the bet after Timmy refused to back him!

I reckon it's going to be quick.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Slack Arse Thursday HuRTS

Woke up with the alarm at 5.30am feeling like death warmed up.  Got to the bathroom, took a look at myself and decided another 90 minutes sleep was the best tonic.

So showed up for the HuRTS session feeling pretty good to be honest for 6 x 1km around Rushcutters.  Quite a good crowd after I'd made a call to arms but I ran solo for the first 2 reps before Barts appeared.  Took my shoes off after 3 reps which made the usual improvement in times.  But ran all reps within myself feeling comfortable.  Times went:

3:12, 3:13, 3:11, 3:08, 3:07, 3:04

Caught up with my old mate Steve for some beers this evening at Customs House which fortunately serves my new favourite Cricketers Arms but unfortunately only in pint glasses.  As poms we settled in nicely as if it were a night in London.  Now paying the price.

Big big BIG race shaping up on Saturday morning with more head to heads than a Bondi speed dating night.  LJ wanted a mention so I shall say this:

1. Head to head with Birchy - my money's on the Shire girl.
2. I'll be impressed if she gets within 90s of Timmy.
3. If Wol breaks 43, I'll buy them breakfast.

I'll post my other predictions when I'm more sober tomorrow...

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Billy No Mates Wednesday

Arranged to meet the Manly crew at 6am but set off just before 5.45am to get a few extra km in (had to be back early).  This meant I arrived at the Boy Charlton Pool from the opposite direction and was about a minute late but Erika did a Mikey on me and sent everyone off on the dot.  So ran solo in the dark feeling sorry for myself.

Eventually bumped into Erika near Shelley running back so circled back with her for 14km dead flat all up.  Left knee is still a bit sore so was happy to avoid the hills and cut short.  4:37 pace.

Had a few beers with Birchy, Andy and J-Fen last night so to get out and run 14km at 5.45am actually involved a Herculean effort. 

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

10 x 330m

Missed HuRTS due to a meeting.  Had just read an article on the importance of speed training (circulated by the Tiger) so decided to do 10x400m solo later in the arvo.  Then Robdog sends me an email saying, Tommy, do 10x300m with a 100m float instead.

When a bloke as classy as Robdog tells you what to do, you obey.  So jogged over to Rushcutters, tried to work out about 3 quarters of the oval was and set off.  No watch, just ran hard and floated for 10 laps.  Bit of mental pain, seemed to work the glutes well so a good session.  

Jogged a lap and counted chimpanzees all the way rounds.  122 chimpanzees for the sprint section and 163 chimpanzees for the full loop so must have been very close to 3 quarters (330m and 110m).

Jog back to the office for 11km all up.

Monday, March 02, 2015


Late out at lunch but ran into the crew at OH for 13km easy pace (4:28's).  Back of left knee still a bit sore.

Bloody boring day.  I need some pizazz in my life.  Locked in 4:15 head start for Timmy on Saturday morning for $20.  But it's not quite the pizazz I was thinking of.

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Mountains Sunday

26.5km around Leura on a warm warming.  Bloody hilly and, to be honest, I was knackered by the end.  Left hammy was a bit tight.  2:03ish (4:40's).

Then a walk after.

The three sisters.

Tough night last night for the boys in the State 10000m but and amazing time (32:09) by Barts in tough conditions in snatching State Bronze medal.  Everyone else ran nearly a minute slower than what they had hoped for so would be very interesting to see what he would have run on a cool night with a pack.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mt Solitary

I didn't do anything ridiculous like run up it.  Just enjoying the views of it with a beer post my flattish 10km around Leura in 44:25.

Hoping Barts, Macca, Jono and Justin go well tonight.  Good luck gents.  It feels warm here so I'm guessing conditions won't be ideal in Homebush.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tiger Crew and Biathlon

Another super early start with Tiger's Babes for 11mins fartlek, 3 mins rest, 11mins tempo, 5 mins rest then 6 x 30s.

Just Lewis to chase today but chasing I was being shown a clean pair of heels, at least until the 30s sprints.  Ran those barefoot and felt great.  3:36 per km average for the 11mims fartlek (trying reasonably hard), 3:34 average for the 11min tempo (easing off) then sprinting hard on the 30s intervals.

Then in the evening was the biathlon.  Coerced into doing this by Timmy and really wasn't keen (nor was Enda, LJ, Jimmy, Durante et al.) but toe the line we did.  Felt pretty good on the run but with no-one to push me.  Then came the swim.  Didn't try as desperately as usual so swam 6:10 instead of my standard 6:00 but it was enough to hold of Timmy by 4s.  To be fair to him, he didn't make any excuses for dropping his goggles and it gets closer each time.  I was caught by Durante and McGartha with 20m to go and it was pretty desperate in the touch.  Matty Anderson seems to find it amusing that a breaststroker is fighting it out at the end and said as much (apparently) during the presentation.

But here is me getting my $20 for the head to head with Timmy:

And here are the squad post race.  I was absolutely rooted.

Great event. Some lovely beers post race with Timmy, Enda, 'Lil Jimmy, Durante and Sonya.  Top night.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Nanny State

Feeling grumpy today.  Just a few things which make me feel we live in an era (and area) of such mimmsy nimby's.  

First, Kirst says this morning that Manly West is proposing a rule that no kid under 10 is allowed to bike to school.  "It's too dangerous with too many cars on the road" they say.  So stopping kids riding is going to ease that.  Why can't we be allowed to exercise our judgment as parents?  FFS.

Then I get on the ferry and read the front page of the Manly Daily:

Social problems?! Greater social problems having to live in the vicinity of these tools making the objection.  FFS.

Anyway, usual Wednesday morning run with Justin and Lewis around North Head.  Tired as usual but still niggle free so all good. Lots of chat about the State 10,000m.  18km in 4:41's.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

HuRTS 14 x 3mins

Wasn't sure what session to do today.  Had an interview for Billy at High School this morning so contemplated running a track session down in the Shire with Eloise Wellings.  Then was told I need to pick up Charlie from cubs this evening and my argument that we could give him a badge for navigating his way home solo was not appreciated.  So got down to the HuRT Squad lunch session with a cast of thousands including all the regulars bar Enda.

Been feeling knackered recently.  Consistent big training over a decent period of time and not helped by a bad night's sleep last night after being bitten (in bed) on the toe by an ant.  So the first 6 reps were shocking with CT, Jono and Barts all finishing ahead with me, Tucks, Macca and Andy in the next group.  Gradually felt my way into the session and finished the last 4 quite well (especially the last) getting down to 3:15 pace (3:05 for the final one).  Was then rooted for the warmdown.  But all said, it was another hot and humid day so it's no wonder we're all pretty lethargic.  Hopefully it will be a massive boost going into the cold conditions in New York.

17km including warm-up and warm-down.

Timmy finished off well today after I shouted at him on reps 12 and 14.  Barts and Macca both looked nervous about Saturday night's 10,000m.  Macca will be aiming for Sub34 and Barts Sub32 although in secret I think he wants a bit more.  He keeps on talking about CT's PBs.  If anything will snap CT out of his trail-walking fascination, Barts doing the previously unthinkable will be it.

Monday, February 23, 2015

HuRTS Monday

Just me, Charlie D, Bruce, Jackie, Andy, Worswick, the Italian Stallion and a couple of others today.  15km feeling surprisingly good.  Was expected to be shattered after yesterday but bounced around in 4:26's.  Must be the change in shoes.  My Wave Rider 17's are now like plimsolls.

Durante wolf-whistled a naked bloke and I've got a new office change room partner in Jackie but that's about it on the interest front.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Fast Finish Sunday

I Did a slightly longer warm up of 3.5km this morning and only just caught the boys who I could see leaving the Boy Charlton Pool as I approached it.  At this stage we were in the middle of a huge downpour and, embarrassed to say it, but I think I heard Barts whooping as they set off in the rain.

It was Barts, Macca, Lewis, Andy and Justin this morning.  Pace was nice and easy (averaged 4:38's before the fast finish started) but I didn't really feel comfortable and was dreading having to pick up the pace.  It was only Lewis who fancied the FF, with the others saving themselves for next week's State 10,000m.  Had a gel at 21km then started picking up the pace at 22km (emerging from Narrabeen lake).  The final 10km went:

4:01, 3:53, 3:43, 3:40, 3:44, 3:32, 3:29, 3:29, 3:28, 3:27

So 32km all up in 2:17 odd (4:17's) with a final 10km in 36:26 which is about what I was looking for.  Lewis very strong again, couldn't hold on to him in the final km when he bounced away running a 3:17.

Beautiful dip in the ocean after (water temp about 4C cooler than last week) and the usual order at Emporio.  Nice.

Good to see Ogi finish as first Japanese lady in the Tokyo Marathon.  She's the girl I ran with all the way at GCM in 2012:

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Easy Sat, first in a while

Just 10km along the beach in the evening.  First easy Saturday run in 5 weeks but doing a fast finish in the morning.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Squeezing it in

8km early doors around and about then running to the wharf.

111km for the week.

Thoughts on the Fast Ferry:

1. Has someone died on Eastenders?
2. This cyclone hasn't landed near Townsville.  All the others always seem to land at a town "near Townsville".
3. I wonder if Thodey gets some sort of share options based on Telstra's price when he retired.
4. The IAAF are adding an O50's event to the World Champs.  Only 800m at this stage. Wonder what you have to run to win? My guess is 1:56.
5. Cricketers Arms beer was very good last night. Might even be better than Coopers.
6. How long does it take a girl with a big tattoo to regret it?
7. Has anyone actually listened to a Ramones song or do they just buy the T-Shirt?

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Running with Tiger's Girls

Met up with Danielle Allen, Emma Collyer, Anna White and Amy Stafford (the Manly Run Crew) as well as Macca, Jamie, Quentin and Lewis this morning at Passmore for a session Gary had scheduled for the girls.  It was 2mins, 6mins, 10mins, 6mins, 2mins off a 2min rest. 

Given we'd all be running different pace I laid out some cones from the centre of Passmore to the path at the perimeter (where we would do the reps) so that when we finished each rep we could just converge back in the middle with no-one having to travel any further than the others.  Worked quite well with each of us emerging from the morning mist to regroup before the next rep.

To be honest, Quentin and Lewis took it out quicker than felt comfortable for me, but to avoid running solo I tried to stick to them.  I did for the first rep, I think I dropped off the second towards the end (can't remember). On the 10min rep we ventured onto Nolans Reserve and I struggled on the grass but caught them on the final 2 laps of Passmore.  Same story on 2nd 6min rep and Lewis showed us all a clean pair of heels on the final 2mins.

Pace per rep went:

3:10, 3:23
3:17, 3:21, 3:14
3:16, 3:09

I found that pretty tough and was almost lactic on the final 2mins.  But did a long warmdown (5.5km), some stretching and a hot bath and I've got Pink Floyd legs now (comfortably numb).

The girls are strong.  Danielle has some real speed but must have had a tough week after her 5000m exploits on Saturday followed by a 1500m at the Bankstown Invitational on Tuesday night.  With focussed training I reckon she would be in Lara Tamsett territory.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wednesday MLR

18km this morning around North Head (the extra km trying to find Justin) with Macca, Lewis and, eventually, Justin.  84:52 (4:40's).  Another beautiful morning but Autumn is closing in as it was dark when I woke up.  Legs buggered again but had a hot bath at home after and felt much better after that. 

Caught up with the lovely Elle this morning for coffee who only has 2 weeks until Goldrick Jr appears.  She was on fine form and I think I even managed 2 sentences during our 45 minute catch up.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

HuRTS 4 x 10mins

Rocked up today feeling tired again so planned to feel my way into the session.  Q, CT, Tucks, Andy, Crossy, Ray and Macca were there also holding back a bit so we ran about 3:40's on the first rep, getting back with 4s to spare.

CT, Q and Tucks pushed ahead on rep 3 with Andy coming past me while I finished with Crossy.  Was doing 3:32's on that one.  Got back in the same time but needed a final 300m push to do so.

Just a session to get through without hurting myself.  Not comfortable at all though.  4.5km warmdown with Andy for 16km all up.

Nice to see LJ back out again easing her way back in.  Andy looks to be getting some form back - Macca and Enda will need to watch the mild-mannered boy from Watford (Milton Keynes? Luton? Somewhere down south).

Monday, February 16, 2015

Homeward Bound

Ran from work to Manly Wharf, picked up my bike and ride home.  14km, dead slow as the legs were barely functional.  Equivalent of 61mins running past my old house.  All up 14km in 4:40's.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

NOTB Triathlon

Macca referred to our now standard Sunday routine as the NOTB Triathlon - 30km run plus swim in the ocean plus brekkie.  Same again today with Barts, Macca and Justin toeing the line.  Pace was very easy (4:41's) but we were all rooted after last night's efforts and it was one foot in front of the other stuff.  Took a gel at 25km (first time in months) just to get me home and it's amazing the hit you get when you're not used to them.

Bit embarrassed at Emporio when the waitress assumed the chai decaf soy skimmed latte was mine and not Barts', but otherwise another perfect start to the day.

Splits from yesterday.  Pretty consistent throughout.  I ran well from 3km to 4km (7th place to 1st place) which is a good sign at a tough stage of the race, but couldn't match the final sprint.  Barts's final lap was faster than everyone in A grade bar one (Matthew Cox).